
Are all the staff qualified and experienced in childcare?
All Mini Trinity Montessori preschool & afterschool staff are qualified to a minimum Fetac Level 5 in Early Childhood Care & Education. Most of our staff are qualified at Fetac Level 6 with some graduating in degrees to level 8.
Are all staff Garda vetted and have first aid training?
All staff must be Garda vetted before they can commence employment and must provide two written references which are validated before they start work at Mini Trinity Montessori preschool & afterschool.
How often do I get feedback on my child’s day?
The teachers will provide feedback to parents daily when children are being collected. We record what your child ate and what activities they participated in. Each week we send home folders of artwork and crafts your child created. At the end of each month, we provide a Montessori booklet containing your child’s artwork, pre-writing skills which relates to the curriculum for that month.
How often will my child go outside to play?
The children spend time every day in our fun, purpose built outdoor play area. We have a jungle gym with climbing wall, ladder, slide and a mini treehouse at the top. We encourage children to run, jump, climb to help develop good physical fitness, their gross motor skills, bone density and muscle development. On cold days, we wrap up the children warmly and motivate them to experience the seasons.
Will my child have a settling – in period?
Mini Trinity Montessori preschool & afterschool is committed to the smooth transitions to help children settle in. For the first 3 days we work with parents and recommend that their child attends preschool for 1.5 to 2 hours. Then on the 4 th and 5 th day, if your child is starting to settle in well, we suggest letting your child attend for the full 3 hours (if they are ECCE only) or the full day if they are enrolled in full day care.
Are there any extra activities offered?
Each Wednesday we have Kids Fitness come to our preschool and co-ordinate fun, energetic physical activities, obstacle courses, music and dancing. There is a small fee of €6 to €8 per class.
Will my child be supported with toilet training?
Our teachers are trained to support children during this developmental stage. We ask that you provide plenty of spare underwear and clothing. Each child is different and we do not put any pressure on the child to use the potty. They will move from one stage to the next at their own pace